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About us

Pastoralist Women for health and Education is an organization with long time experience in training and advocacy work within the communities of Isiolo. The Organization has been focusing on various programs i.e. education- orphans support and girl-child education, health- focusing on HIV/AIDS, reproductive health including female genital mutilation and safe motherhood. For building local democracy it has included community political empowerment and holding local government accountable. PWHE has undertaken activities in the area of women economic empowerment, peace building and conflict management. The organization is managed by board of governance who oversee the running of the activities undertaken by staffs..


Pastoralist Women for health and Education is an organization with long time experience in training and advocacy work within the communities of Isiolo. The Organization has been focusing on various programs i.e. education- orphans support and girl-child education, health- focusing on HIV/AIDS, reproductive health including female genital mutilation and safe motherhood. For building local democracy it has included community political empowerment and holding local government accountable. PWHE has undertaken activities in the area of women economic empowerment, peace building and conflict management. The organization is managed by board of governance who oversee the running of the activities undertaken by staffs..

Our key archivements are ;

Economic strength

  1. Social and economical empowerment of pastoralist Women and Youth through business trainings and provision of seed capital.
  2. Supported peasant farmers through provision of different farm inputs, such as; farm implements, horticultural and crop seeds.

Peace building

  1. Enhanced capacity of local peace committees, council of elders and general population on the constitution, community policing, peace building and governance.
  2. Presence of trained and performing PWHE peace monitors in various locations of Isiolo County. Formed and empowered peace clubs in at least seven local schools.

Gender based violence

  1. Sensitized local community, especially women and youth on negative impacts of retrogressive cultural practices as well as formation of grass root committees for the same.
  2. Rescued pastoralist girls from early marriages and other harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation.

Governance/Civic Education

  1. Conduct civic education the constitution before the general election of 4th March, 2013 in Isiolo County.
  2. Conducted social audit exercise on area of education, water and health provision in Merti Division targeting the devolved funds. This enhanced community awareness and the need for community to participate in the development agenda in their respective areas.

Watch this video

  • CEO talking
  • Pwhe in the news